Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Humble Beginnings...

I remember when I was in Singapore, I was pretty bored... I do not go out often with any friends at all and my only time was only at home or school. Then the news came : I am moving back to Penang! Wow about time to as well, SJI school teachers are giving me a run for my money cuz of my grades! Time to jump ship... Well before the jump I still had some time to go, so i thought of the making of a tank... Since my mother was involved with Tupperware businesses, getting huge supplies of cardboard wasn't a problem.

At that time I had no expertise of anything, so the first creations are made of solely cardboard and satay sticks. The wheels are elongated, rolled up wheels which did not move well at all due to the edges. Plus i learned the valuable lesson of only using single-layer cardboard to make tanks, not double layered ones cuz they r just too damn hard to cut through. These first tanks are big and bulky and looked nothing like what they are intended to look like. The guns used are just rolled up paper to make a tube look like a gun.

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